Vladimir Pinarum is searching to destroy the one who destroyed him, Vincent Hogan.
— Vladimir\nGod, what a load of bullshit. That boy... he always seems to see through me. How aggravating that such a low level asshole could guess my thoughts so easily. \n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene23]]
<b>Symphonic</b>\n\nIn a world where there are many alternate dimensions, all connected by a strange passageway, we find Vladimir trapped in his memories and craving revenge. He hunts, searching for the true monster of the worlds: his tormentor Vincent Hogan. To destroy that man... would be his dream. \n\n[[START|Prologue]]
— Vladimir\nI was appalled that Cameron could think //I// of all people would fuck something up. Really, did he hold that little faith in me...? My gaze was fixed on his back as he swayed through the streets. The only reason I didn't throw him to the ground again was because he clearly knew what he was doing.\n\n[[advance|Act9-2]]
— Cameron\n"...."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene8-1]]
— Vladimir\nMaybe I was too harsh on the kid... Color had already drained from his face so I let go, sending him a glare anyway. It was clear he didn't respect me but the least he could do was not be a piece of shit.\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene19-2]]
—Vladimir\nWe didn't speak anymore. I suppose it was alright, considering me latching into him drew a lot of... unnecessary attention. The people passing by continued to stare as we walked along. I think... that our clothing made us stand out. Cameron looked very humanlike with his tail tucked away. The only thing to give him away would be his hands. \n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene20-2]]
— Cameron\n"I said that I won't be able to read shit for you. Listen up, asshole."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene9-1]]
— Vladimir\nTo Hell with limitations! Considering how easy it was to find this thing, taking one trip should be alright with the Almighty Overlords. Cameron seemed to agree because he showed me exactly where it was. \n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene19]]
— Vladimir\nIt didn't take long for me to regret jumping into the gaping hole. Cameron took his time. I had to pull myself from the ground, bones probably broken. It only took a couple swigs of blood to help me heal, but it was a pity resources were wasted on such a small injury... Of course, I could always eat Cameron...\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene20]]
<<display 'Act2 Scene16-2'>>
— Vladimir\nThe writing labeling these streets was weird. All the other realms used a uniform set of runes. This was not it.\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene10-2]]
— Cameron\n"Why does this always happen to me...? Wait, what? //I// interrupted //your// train of thought? Fuck off."\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene13]]
— Vladimir\nAnd so my adventure began, Cameron cussing me out with his tail lashing back and forth with enough strength to knock a grown man over and me, pretending not to listen. It worked wonders until he decided to swing a punch.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene14]]
— ???\n"What the hell?!"\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene11]]
— Vladimir\n"You interrupted my train of thought, Cameron."\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene12]]
— Vladimir\nCameron had visited Earth. Actually, he had lived there for an extended period of time. He never shared the stories with Helaku or I... but I was rather curious if it was as terrible as it seemed. A magicless dimension only accessable through an abandoned elevator shaft.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene17]]
— Vladimir\nI could never really grasp the concept. Yes, there were many dimensions full of many ranks of demons that were controlled by a heirarchy or a sort of caste system, but... An elevator. The only one. No one currently alive is old enough to have seen it working and now it's "off limits".\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene18]]
— Vladimir\nSomehow we managed to break up the fight without too much bloodshed. At multiple points we threatened each other with the blackmail we both carried. But as adults do, we got over it and focused on the task at hand.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene15]]
— Vladimir\nSaid task... was to locate and eradicate Vincent Hogan. Cameron agreed to come along because he thought it would be fun. And that I might have sex with him again. Either way, we were going to Earth and it would be beneficial for me to have someone who understood the language along.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene16]]
— ???\n"The entran—"\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene9]]
— Vladimir\nMy palm hit the back of his head, smack in the center. His face hit the soft grass with a loud 'thud'.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene10]]
CHAPTER ONE: Hark! The Herald Angel Sings!\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene1]]
— Vladimir\nPeople will always be there to tell you that "You are what you eat!". I suppose that it holds some truth to it. After all, I eat monsters, and in the end we aren't any different. It's a crued way of putting things, but I don't really care. The truth is the truth no matter how you say it, so why bother?\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene2]]
— Vladimir\nThen people pry about what kind of monster I may be to say such things. Simple: one who was raised to enjoy devouring the poor souls of demons unfortunate enough to set foot near me. \n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene3]]
— Vladimir\nYou scoff at the idea, at me suggesting that I could do such a thing. But I am the king of kings, the lord of lords, even if I cannot control the power to achieve the respect I deserve. Still the power rests inside me.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene4]]
— Vladimir\nIf I could use all my power I would abuse it. Sadly, I can't. Even as I sat there with blood dripping down my back all those years ago, restrained but screaming, as those runes were carved into my skin.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene5]]
— Vladimir\nThey weren't the only ones to be permanently imprinted into my tender flesh. Many, many direct spells were scattered across my body. Why? Because I had a power people were afraid of. Pitiful. \n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene6]]
— Vladimir\nAfter the blood stopped and I was abandoned, I never saw that man again. The hills before me now mark a journey. Seeking this man out is a decision I will probably regret, but that isn't really my concern. I want to rip his heart from his chest or watch him suffer as I skin his pathetic body. \n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene7]]
— Vladimir\nAlong this mission I brought one person, who now stands next to me, with unusual red hair. Instead of five, he has four fingers, which always seems to get on his nerves. The demon stands a foot shorter than I and looks up to me with much disdain. \n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene8]]
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— Cameron\n"Excuse me?!"\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene14-2]]
PROLOGUE: A Demon's Abilities\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene1]]
— Vladimir\nMy fingers wrapped around this idiots neck. The one reason I brought him, crushed. Why couldn't this dumbass tell me before? I tightened my grip, much to Cameron's horror.\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene17-2]]
— Cameron\n"What're you smiling for? Do'ya sense him?"\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene22-2]]
— Vladimir\nHe looked perplexed. I only... asked him to read... We went to school together; it's a simple task. \n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene15-2]]
— Vladimir\nI, on the other hand, did not blend in at all. The clothing I wore was much more elegant than that of humans. It was robe-like, pure, made of only the finest materials. I couldn't help but smile to myself because of how wonderful I looked in comparison to such petty creatures. \n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene21-2]]
— Vladimir\nI looked to Cameron again and reached out, digging my nails into his shoulder.\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene11-2]]
— Cameron\n"I can't read."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene16-2]]
— Vladimir\n"You realize I only agreed to let you come so you could //help// me, not weigh me down. If you can't fucking read, get your ass back up where it belongs, //forty//."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene18-2]]
— Vladimir\nCameron turned to glare at me, but I cut him off.\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene12-2]]
— Cameron\n"Alright, good. Now I don't need to repeat myself. Remember, humans are... weak and fragile. Or something. Just don't fuck up."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene8-2]]
— Vladimir\nThe world... was nothing like I expected. \n\n[[Chapter One|Act2 Title]]
— Vladimir\nI was pulled from my thoughts as I realized Cameron had already began to enter Earth, Zone Zero. Light flooded the shaft for a moment as he passed through the thin membrane seperating worlds. I quickly followed, becuase I couldn't be left behind by such a person.\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene24]]
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— Vladimir\n"Excuse me? I wouldn't."\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene22]]
— Cameron\n"You're thinking about eating me."\n\n[[advance|Act1 Scene21]]
— Cameron\n"Don't be so full of yourself, asshole. No one would talk about a dick like you. Were you fucking listening?"\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene6]]
— Vladimir\n"I feel... as if someone was just talking about me."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene5]]
[[Of course not.|Act2 Scene7-1]]\n\n[[Yes...|Act2 Scene7-2]]
— ???\n"He... left? I thought it was not allowed? Surely someone did not change the rules at such a time...! Ahh!!"\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene2]]
— ???\n"Huh! Vladimir is causing many problems... Perhaps I should look for him? No, after that outburst I will not bring you along! Know your place, 30."\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene4]]
— ???\n"I.. fell! This is unbelievable, someone as myself... Excuse me? I may not be of royal blood or heritage but that doesn't mean..! Ow! Don't touch me you disgusting creature!"\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene3]]
Oliver Armstrong
— Vladimir\n"Can you translate this?"\n\n[[advance|Act2 Scene13-2]]